Monday, August 9, 2010


why something needs to be complicated?
why don't just go straightforward?
why should us wait the knots to get bigger?
why don't us just untie it before it get worse?

this is why i hate to keep my feelings unrevealed.
that's why i love to explain everything why i did it...
maybe it is not the preference for other..
as every each of us has own personal taste...

and i really wish i could see the Gae-In sky..
a very mild, and clear way to go for...


sh. said...

Everything is just simply complicated.
Funny, is it not?
Being simply complicated.

Ape saye merapu nih. Keadaan agak meruncing nampaknya. Haihhhhh

Zulaykha Nadya said...

thats y...
something is just too complicated to be said...
is it created as complicated>?

ap plak yg meruncing???

sh. said...

Keadaan la meruncing. Itu ini begitu begini.
Meeting situ meeting sini.
Keje situ keje sini.
Sudahnye ntah ape yang jadi pon taktau la.
Hihi. Merapu.

Zulaykha Nadya said...

semakin lama smkn byk plak... huhu