Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Aiman's Tag


right now, i want to accomplish Miss Namia's tag!
sorry yer aiman. da lama nak bwat tp x terpost lagik! huhu :P chill kay, man man??

segala jawapan adalah dari hati yang tulus ikhlas lagi suci murni gtu!
*mood perasantan* ;pp

okay, enuff talking! get started with this tag!

Once u've been tagged, u' re supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end u need to tag another people. u've to tag the person who tagged you. if i tag you, it's because i want to know more about you.

so di sini saya rasa sangat terharu. aiman, love you! mwahx! ;p

1. nama penuh saya
saya ada macam panggilan nama.
sek rendah, people called me 'Siti' feymes x?? :)
both mrsm kuala krai and tgb, they called me nadia a.k.a nad ant same in KMKN.
but it differs in KYUEM coz i prefer to be called as DYA only.
saja nak menggedik.. huahuahua..
family called me KakYong, Kakak, YA, Auntie (nephews and nieces)
banyak x??

2. saya dilahirkan pada 13 februari 1991.
almost one month earlier than the due date.
berat saya time baby only 2kg plus.
my mom cakap yg i sgt kecik tyme baby till people takut nk pegang me.
saya kne duk dalam incubator tu. sbb hampir lemas dlm womb.
tp skrg me dah besar.. gemuk lak tue! ;(

3. saya anak sulung tetapi saya ada kakak.
yup! stepsis. i sgt rapat ngan sis num 3 n 4.
yang laen tu kureng. (i xsuke)
they are kak cik and kakteh.
:) hugs and kiss for both of you!

4. saya paling suka nombor!
dulu, saya ada satu habit yang boleh dikira agak weird.
apa dia? saya suka hafal num plate kenderaan kat jalan raya!
then, lau saya nmpk lagi kereta tu, saya akan cakap,
" eh, kita da pnh jumpa kereta nie la"
skrg, still ada, tapi da kurang plus da jadi driver nie. ( motif?! hehe)

5.saya sekarang tersangatlah jatuh chenta sama sukan renang!
suke sangat2. lau boley, tiap2 hari saya maw gi swimming.
i lap you my dear swimming! <3

6. saya still suka Princess Snow White.
she's really adorable. so cute. posses a very pure innocent look.
rasa2 sama tak cam saya? *gedik* lol

7. saya paling suka makan seafood. TAPI,
saya allergik terhadap makanan itu. sedeyh sgt2.
biler mkn seafood je, saya kena makan ubat.
lau x, abisla merah satu bdn.
tak pin, muka gatal2. ;(
sedeyh kan jadi saya?

8. saya tengah gigih berusaha belajar masak taw!
serius i tak tipu! lau u oll xcaya tye my mom.
setakat ni, i da pandai masak beberapa jenis lauk.
sekarang, saya nak belajar masak ayam sambal plak!
 doakan saya berjaya yer!

9. saya ada 3 adik. 2 sisters and 1 brother.
jarak umur kitorg xbeza sangat.
me n adik num 2 jarak 1 tahun lebey, ngan num 3 beza 3 tahun,
ngan num 4 beza 6 tahun.
adik bongsu me lelaki taw. so dia agak la manja.
da la sorang je boboy, bongsu lak tu.

10.  suka cuba benda baru.
i love to try new things that look fun and adventurous.
bukan tu je, dalam cooking pon ske.
saya suka googled benda2 yang saya nak taw.
tempat baru, makanan baru, fashion baru etc.

11. saya tak suka orang merokok.
lagi2 orang tu merokok dekat kawasan yang ada baby.
geram btol. kalau org tu rokok, dia g smoke kat tempat xde org, ok la.
mksdnye dia still considerate towards others la kn?

12.saya still pemegang lesen besar iaitu lesen L untuk bike.
da hampir dua tahun saya ada lesen tu.
sayang la nk amik lesen P. kahkahkah
bley x trime alsn nie? hoho.

13. saya ada satu scar kat lengan kanan. scar tu agak besar. kenapa?
sebab kena iron. time tu, saya darjah 3.
gatal nak iron baju sendiri till curi2 iron dalam bilik sendiri.
sebab saya suka tengok kedutan baju tu hilang ble iron.
then, iron tu jatuh atas lengan. time nak btolkn baju.
nak jerit tapi takut ibu marah. terus letak lotion and pakai baju lengan panjang.
tanak ibu taw. ibu taw pon mse saya form bpe ntah.
*jahat x? tpu ibu. jgn ikut taw. da xbuat k*

14. saya ada masalah problem (amik ko! kata ganda woo!) ngan slider hanpon!
slider sje tanak manja2 ngan saya.
dulu sony W910, skrg saya pakai Nokia 5610 express  music.
tak sampai setahun dia da wosak. saya ngah bersabar.
nak tukar phone baru t. insyaAllah.

15. saya takut ketinggian! paling tinggi sye bley panjat *reads naik tangga* ialah 3 tingkat. higher than that, kne pgg tgn org. seriously, it's true! most of my dreams, there were tall buildings dat can easily destroyed ( their flight of stairs la) . myb ad kaitan ngan incident tyme i was little, about 1+ year old. i fell from my house window right onto the ground, fortunate for me as my head didn't hit the tarred road. sye panjat stroller tyme tu. taw kn stroller tu ap??? ;)

16. saya juga seorang yang sangat sensitif. i can feel the change in people and the atmosphere(emotionally).
myb it's only my intuition but particularly, i can sense what are you thinking, or perfectly described as observation. my skills are very sharp enuff ok? ;p

17. i really, reaaallly love cuddly, cute teddy bear. once, i have a very cute teddy bear. his name was Mr Tedd. my beloved dad bought it for me when i was 5 to 6 years old. my Mr Tedd was the cutest among the teddy bears my sibs have that time. he wore a blue hat, and blue tux too. his life was ended by my nephew and my younger brother, they were so mean. the knew that me cant afford losing it so they hide it but i fund and tug-of-war happened. Mr Tedd was broken into two. huhu. now, i'm in love with my beybey. he's adorable okay! 

18. i love reading comics. especially love comics. the one that is translated. hehe. but, i also do read the academic books, heavy-content books and etc. i'm not a very dedicated reader. i only do when i'm in the mood to do so. huh yeah! another point.

19. i'm a person who is depending to her mood very much. to do most of the things. mood to study, mood to cook, mood to tease people and many more. but one, i absolutely have the mood to be friends to other and to love people all the time. baik kan sye nie???

20. dulu, time kecik2 sye sgt comel taw. cute! xmcm skrg. tp dulu sye gelap. till my mom risau sbb anak dia kulit gelap. huhu.nasib baik, skrg da cerah sikit wlpon x cam org lain. sye bersyukur ngan diri saya sekarang. alhamdulillah.

21. adik2 gurl sye nama dorg ada nor. sye je xde. and i'm really glad that i've none coz if i've it, my name in IC is only up to muhamad. both of them have a second id ( 2 IC) to identify their full names. :)) *hepi*

22. da kering idea. tataw nk taruk ap da.

23. my favourite number is 13. why? it symbolize me. 1 for being straight and aim and 3 for my behaviour that  can be changed to be better, perhaps. amin..

24. sye ada mslh ngan kertas2. tataw nk kemas n sort out cmne. ;( ad x spe2 ley tolong?

25. aiman nabilah, yang tag sye nie, kami xpernah jumpa face to face pon. tp kami rapat. hehe

that's all.. byk da.. tepu da otak nie nk pk. huhu..
sory. lme tertangguh.
spe 25 org tue? tataw.... huhu... lau bley sumer nk sye tag.. tp cian lak.. 
tp aiman kne la di tag sbb da disuruh dlm order kn?

p/s: cikstar. sye msih lgi utg awk stu tag. tgu yer,,,, sory lmbt.. wahaha 

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