Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CoOkiNg + StuDy

dua tiga ari nie, tataw npe ak sgt interested in cooking... haha :P yesterday, i had made myself, abah and angah nasi goreng pattaya!!! ~bangga~ sbb ibu ckp sedap... hehe... mane xnye, selama nie, aku selalu diejek oleh muhamad zulqarnain a.k.a adik sebagai orang yang paling x pandai masak dalam family... ye, ak ngaku.. mmg xreti masak.. tp ak try what... adik ckp lau kakyong masak, lmbt lg ley mkn, n tataw la mskn tue bley mkn ke x... kcian aku kn dikenakan sebegitu rupa... sedar xsedar da byk gak la mskn yg ak try... hehe..

1. nasi goreng cina
2. ayam masak halia
3. bawal sweet n sour
4. telur sweet n sour
5. dorayaki kacang merah
6. kek coklat kukus ( dibantu oleh ibu :P)
7. nasi goreng pattaya
8. mashed potato and gravy
9. coleslaw
10. puding roti bakar
11. makaroni bakar
12. spageti bolognaise
13. lasagna
14. sup sayur campur
15. sambal bilis tempe

byk guk kn ak da msk??? xcye plak... hee... xpe nadia.. "USAHA TANGGA KEJAYAAN". perkara ini akan sentiasa tersemat dalam mindaku dan akan sentiasa dipraktikkan dalam hidupku.. InsyaALLAH... "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT" is also another quote that matches me in this cooking field. tp yang pasti ak mmg xske masak.. leceh~ tp bler masak dengan kwn2, family or people yg kter syg, tu adalah satu cara nk rapatkan hubungan dan tambah kasih syg... how i miss my old friends so much... don't get to see them so often nowadays... everybody is so busy with study.. me too... hope that we'll have the chance to meet soon... 

holiday is going to end very soon.. i don't want to go back to college yet.... i'm still not ready to be in the hectic life again... not in the nearest time... huhu... my physics isn't finished yet.. so do my chemistry.. my math?? haven't touched at all.. biology? kind of okay.. at least, i managed to read a chapter... haha... terok btol perangai... yahh!! i need a catalyst.. to give me alternative path for the reaction to occur.. with lower activation energy... i need the work to be done... to increase the power of my mind and the heart..  i need the cardioacceleratory center to be stimulated.. to increase my blood pressure... the action potential needs to be boosted... the ventricle should pumped at higher rate same as the atria... my mind needs sufficient oxygen... words in it need to be integrated to its original one... no more differentiation should occur to my life.. hate to be manipulated around... i'm not a variable okay???  should i move with the constant velocity or need to have acceleration? but to induce greater force, need to accelerate right? okay. i'll do it! 

I HAVE TO! I NEED TO! motivation.. that's the one.. not the words that can break other's spirits.. motivation... that's the thing i require...

i had successfully made my family four sets of kfc's snack plate... home-made.. :P proud to announce it to everyone... next post i'll upload the pictures... hehe..

i think that's all my words for today... pen-off now... bubbye!!


fArhAnA said...

owh3..masak jdi best ble kadang2 klu arie2, bosan n xbest langsung!

Noora Darmawan said...

aha! terbakar ke dapo ko??

Zulaykha Nadya said...

farhana: btol2.. hehe... benda masak2 nie sgt rumit la.. nk prepare lagi.. haha :P

ila: mana ad trbakar!! selamat aje dapor tue... hehe

sh. said...

dyaaaaaaaa nak blajar masak gak T.T

Tak larat dah kena ejek. Waaaa

Zulaykha Nadya said...

sherah: jom!! xde la kne attack ngan panel yt lagik.. hee..
ibu sye ckp, : wah! kakak masak pkei laptop..."
sbb resepi2 ad dlm tue... haha

adieq said...

bezt what memasak kan??plus masak menda yg baru..look at me..always masak yg laen dr yg mls la guk..hehehe..good jobs dear..keep it up..muuahxx.!!

Zulaykha Nadya said...

best?? ye la tue...
tq... ;p