Monday, February 1, 2010

a DaY OfF FoR SicKneSs..

ryte now, i'm in my room.. in L-15 chalet in KYUEM, lembah beringin... cmner bley ad kt chalet tyme2 gnie??? jwpnnye: sbb ak xg kelas... bkn ponteng ea... ad excuse okie...

~ MC dri matron~
pagi td, missed my chemistry class.. ms qila da start with new chapter: EQULIBRIA.. i missed her class bcoz i went to the matron asking whether she could suggest " DI MANA SAYA BOLEH DAPATKAN tukang urut???" and the answer: "only makcik typah..." this aunt is working in our dining hall.. serving the students with satisfied-quality-and-taste food.. :) so i went to DH ( dining hall) to meet her and asked her favor.. she told me to come to her house this evening as at that tyme she was on duty...

tp yg jadi kelakarnye, sbb tyme2 ak msuk DH tu, brothers kt DH tu quickly recognised me and asked me what happened to my leg... they called me ' org GANU'.. haha.. tp bangga guk arr sbb dipanggil sebegitu walaupon ak xla fasih sgt berdialek GANU as my chaletmates especially AFIQAH... loghat dia, pergghh!! mmg xley lwn la... kdg2 ak pown xphm ap mksd dia.. kne kompemkn blek... ak rs lau ibu ckp ngan pka pon xtaw la ibu akn fully understand ke x... hehe.. tp wa salute la pika.. hebat gler speaking ganu... thats y ak mkin pndy ckp ganu nie.. ;P ak rs pika akn jadi slh seorg warganegara MUSCOM ( Musolla Committee)... InsyaALLAH.. ak mmg ad niat dri dulu lg nk ke surau everyday.. n i really hope that i'll do it!!! amin...

~ my chaletmates : pka, me , sherah ~
not in picture: mas

~ me n pika: cm kakak n adik kn?? :)~

xabis lagi ckp sal bro2 kt DH tu.. ad sorg drpd mereka nie, mmg recognise sgtla ak nie.. cyap lau jmpe remind ak dgn berkata, " dik balik dari ganu 6t, jgn lupe bwk balik telor penyu taw.. teringin nk mkn..." apakah???? egt sng ke nk jmpe the eggs of PENYU skrg nie... ssh kowt... ak pnh mkn 2 kli je kot sbb ak xske sgt rse dia... tp kn ibu suka... citarasa masing2 kn??... bro, insyaAllah lau sy jmpe sy belikn la yer... :)

ari nie, assembly is about STUDENTS COUNCIL hand-over... so batch 12 and 12.5 plak will be in charge.. :) all the best for you guys!! i'll be supporting u all... after the assembly is finished, i will go to makcik typah's house to have my traditional treatment... haha.. to get my injured leg to be 'massaged'.. to get it back right on the track... mesti sakit gler... huhu.. matron Haminah had warned me at the beginning that maybe after kena urut i'll have a fever... huhu... perhaps it isn't so bad... just light fever... waiting for sherah to accompany me.. thank you sherah for willing to go with me... :)

~ sherah n me after the photo shooting~

my stomach is making noisy sound... rumbling.. haha.. think that my stomach together with the digestive juices are having their concert... huhu.. ni sumer sbb xbreakfast n xlunch... dinner t mst kena mkn!! kesian perut... hehe...

pintu chalet da bunyi... tanda dorg da abis assembly... my chaletmates are back...

wanna off for now... bubbye!! ( syahmina's favorite phrase :P)

love you, ibu... miss you, abah...
sayang awk, beybey's owner.... :)

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